Guidance and procedure to perform a part of a work that produces useful information for a predefined purpose.
Examples for "assessment method"
Examples for "assessment method"
1This assessment method complements quantitative exposure assessment with an upstream prevention focus.
2Drug causality was evaluated using the updated French drug reaction causality assessment method.
3A positive confusion assessment method was an independent predictor of short and long-term mortality.
4Results: There was no evidence for heterogeneity by study design, sex or assessment method.
5This standardized assessment method holds promise for advancing developmentally sensitive characterization of preschool psychopathology.
1Differences in the behaviour of the evaluation techniques are discussed, as applied to these data sets.
2Various downstream evaluation techniques have been proposed to single out measure profiles that carry potential information about preseizure states.
3Several evaluation techniques have been applied to discrepant data sets, and the results are shown to converge as the size of the data set grows.
1Most existing coronary risk assessment methods are based on baseline data only.
2Currently, almost all assessment methods of the intestinal barrier function are invasive.
3We used serum metabolomics to develop diagnostic and assessment methods for UC.
4Testing conditions should be controlled when using computerized balance assessment methods.
5However, it may vary according to the assessment methods and settings.
Translations for appraisal methods